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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,640
Default (2007-12-06) New survey on the RFC site: Small kitchen appliances

Nancy Young wrote:
> I was going to say that except whenever it's mentioned, people insist
> washing the food processor is no big deal. It's just not my favorite
> thing to wash. Knife and a cutting board? No worries, takes no time
> and almost no effort.

That is right at the top of my list of reasons for not using my food
processor more often. For small jobs I usually find a good knife much
easier. I can usually have things chopped up by hand in less time than it
takes to get the machine out of the cupboard and assembled.

I have used it twice in the last week, much more often than I usually do. I
had a bunch of stale bread and threw them in to make bread crumbs. The
other day we were having leftover roast chicken and my wife was curious
about making mayonnaise. I offered to show her how, and pointed out that
the hardest and most time consuming part of the job was cleaning the FP.