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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,640
Default (2007-12-06) New survey on the RFC site: Small kitchen appliances

"Dee.Dee" wrote:

> As well, most people many times prefer the texture of the cut-by-hand
> vegetable; i.e., bell peppers, onions, carrots, etc. to the f.p., which I am
> sure you do, too.

I can't say that I have used it enough for chopping vegetables to say that
there is a difference. I usually only cook for two. However, it is an
essential tool for me when I make Seville Orange Marmalade. I can't see
myself cutting a couple dozen orange peels into thin slices by had. It is
also great for mushing onions. I also use it once a month or so to make
Gyros, and have been known to use to to prepare fruit for jam. For the
things I do use it for, it is essential, but when it comes right down to
it, I rarely use it more than once every month or two on the average.