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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Broke and hungry

"Cshenk" > wrote in message
> "Sheldon" wrote
>>Perhaps you need to learn how to cook with more imagination and choose
>>more healthful foods... but still it's very difficult to eat properly
>>on $7 a day as a steady diet. Sure you can fill your tank, $7 buys a
>>lot of starchy fatty foods but very little fresh produce and lean meats

> You snipped the wrong text Sheldon and left that of another then replied
> to me.
> I do not eat unhealthy starchy foods nor 'junk'. You are the one who
> can't shop so thinks it takes 100$ a week for one person in the USA.
> Obviously you are wrong but eat prepared junk foods like TV dinners and
> such or you cant use that much money up in your area.
> I even looked up NY city where you do not live (but in a cheaper area 2.5
> hours away i think you said)and it isnt that much there either.
> Meantime, this little family of 3 who eats well for far less than you do
> as a 1 person, is munching on imported brie over stone crackers with genoa
> salami. Bosk pears at the side with drizzle of clover honey.

Hmm....let's see what's on sale near Sheldon's group home:|131 05|0712071715|||||
