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Dee.Dee Dee.Dee is offline
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Default Broke and hungry

"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> I am always astounded at the prices that Sheldon quotes for groceries
> in his area. A dollar for an apple? I just bought about 2 pounds of
> Braeburn apples for $1/pound. Cauliflower has been on sale here for
> $0.88/each. Broccoli is about $1/pound. I can get the pink Rio
> grapefruits for 5/$1...I didn't get any this week, but I am
> contemplating picking up some. Those things are great! Last week I
> got 10 smaller navel oranges for $1 at one of the local produce
> markets.

> > Christine

In Winchester, VA:
I don't have any apples in the house now to see how much a 'regular' or
'normal' apple would way - depending on the type.
But apples here seem to start around $1.29 a lb. now.

Cauliflower - $3.49 ea

Broccoli 2 large stocks $2.99 for 2 stocks

Grapefruits (and oranges) $1 each

I don't dare go to Whole Foods and look at their prices, if these are the
prices in the sticks, so-to-speak.

Dee Dee