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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Broke and hungry

On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 18:18:26 -0500, "Nancy Young" >

>Hardly anything I make just makes one meal. Even a meatloaf makes

I was just thinking about that. I have short ribs in the freezer, and
I was thinking of turning them into the Hungarian short ribs. They
will probably make much more than I again I will need to
freeze some of it for future work lunches. And I have a question for
you regarding this, since I have never made these before. Will they
freeze okay if I don't add the noodles to them before freezing? Or do
you think they will do okay freezing with the noodles?

>> I have also been doing some baking lately... I made several things
>> from Dorie Greenspan's book Baking: From My Home To Yours. One is a
>> lovely date-walnut loaf,

>Oh, do you think I could have the recipe for that? Maybe I can
>find it online.

Eeeekkk!!!!!!!!!! You are asking almost the impossible of me!! I
find it very difficult (for me) to sit down and type out recipes.... I
still have to write out my Parmesan Cheese balls for sky...I have been
promising those to her for eons now.

I could scan it, and send it to you as a pdf file..would that work.
And if you have the ambition to type it up for everyone, then go

>You're certainly not settling for second best.

Well..within reason...LOL.
