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Gregory Morrow[_2_] Gregory Morrow[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,234
Default Broke and hungry

Dan Abel wrote:

> In article >,
> "Cshenk" > wrote:
> > Oh side diatribe, I miss cheap Kobe beef. Cheap as in relative to
> > stateside.

> Kobe beef in the US is a ripoff. These animals are raised in the US.
> They are shipped to Japan, finished off and butchered. Some of the meat
> is then shipped back to the US.

And the term "Kobe beef" can seemingly be as amorphous as the term
"Dove sole"...I've been at places that supposedly offer "Kobe beef"
and from the prices it simply can't be Kobe beef...

One was the faux Japanese steakhouse "Ron of Japan" here in Chicago,
from the utterly dire state of the food it surely could not be Kobe
beef for the low price they were offering on the menu...

A whiles back IIRC I read an article about a plan to raise "Kobe beef"
somewhere in CA or the Northwest, don't know what came of that...
