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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Q: Coconut Macaroons

I need to make a bunch of cookies to take to a church thing tonight.
I'm gonna make a big pan of brownies, some pecan bars, and cranberry
cookies. I thought I'd also make some macaroons, just to have something
totally different. (I'd make biscotti for the "something different"
but they are too much trouble)

I have 2 macaroon recipes, and I've never used either of them. They are
both from reasonable sources, but they are totally different.

One (from BH&G Cookbook) is basically coconut folded into meringue and
dropped by teaspoons and baked. The other (from a Bakers coconut bag)
has coconut, flour, and sugar mixed together, add egg whites, and drop
by tablespoons and bake.

Since I've never made them before, and haven't eaten them in a while, I
can't tell which is the right recipe. Any suggestions? Thanks.
