When Baking A Cake, How Can I Stop The Fruit (in a Christmas Cake)From Falling (Sinking) To
When ever I bake Cakes for my Family,they generally turn out pretty
good.However there is one thing which (lately) always seems to
happen.After I have Baked the Cake in the Oven and allowed it to cool
down,when I cut
into it the fruit "Always" seems to have "sunk"!?!?!? to the bottom of
the Cake.I have tried everything I know to prevent this
happening.Although the Cakes turn out very good,and my Family eat them
almost straight away,and they always compliment me on my Baking.This
is "One" thing I would like to solve.I was Head Cook in a Old Peoples
Home before I retired 12 years ago,I have thought about it might be
just me losing my touch,but the more I think about it the more
convinced I am that I must just be forgetting to do some rudimentary
preparation would
be most grateful for some of your suggestions to remedy this
fault.Thank you in anticipation.
I must admit this has sometimes kept me awake at night.I just can not
think of the solution????.