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Don Kleist Don Kleist is offline
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Posts: 14
Default Saturday's meal(s)

Dee.Dee wrote:
> What are you-ALL eating/cooking today?
> We had been discussing SOS sometime back. I made it late this a.m. before
> noon, so thought I'd post the pics of what mine usually looks like.
> I most always add peas to mine, though. Leave out the peas for authentic
> SOS, I guess.
> Here is the brand I've always bought:
> phew! nitrates - ugh! but only have it once in a while -- it still counts,
> though.

> Here's what it looks like all rolled up inside the jar. Take it out, cut
> into whatever sized pieces you like. I put it in water to soak, but never
> rinse it. Just dip it out of the water into the skillet. It is not salty
> at all that way.
> Home-made bread toasted (not quite the white bread that one usually
> associates with SOS.)
> I like toasted better than mushy untoasted white.
> The final proof is in the eating. It was good.

> Dee Dee

This is my mom's version of SOS. It is quite good. I generally use fresh
mushrooms sautéed in a bit of butter. For the beef I use the thin-sliced
lunch meat that comes in 4 ounce pkgs.

Curried Chipped Beef and Mushrooms

3/4 pound chipped beef
1 4 oz can sliced mushrooms
1/4 teaspoon curry powder
2 cups cold milk
2 tablespoons cornstarch

Combine milk and cornstarch. Bring to boil in a saucepan, stirring.
Slice chipped beef into small pieces. Add to sauce with other

Serve over toasted English muffins.
