Steve Chaney did not write that. It was a forgery from an anonymous
remailer by an anonymous coward. The real Steve Chaney uses
(Steve Chaney, NR's Tormentor ®)
and his sig line reads:
Steve Chaney
Remove "NRismykicktoy" to get my real email address
On 24 Nov 2003 07:14:14 -0000, (Steve Chaney, aka NR's Tormentee) did NOT write:
>Can anyone post the Colonel Saunder's secret recipe?
If I catch you busting into a mass and vilifying a church, the last thing
you'll hear in your entire life, will be the ratatatatat of an automatic.
- --Steve Chaney to Mark Ira Kaufman
Message-ID: >
Young Mr. Chaney, the man who has told me that he wants to murder me and
sodomize women in my family, has said, repeatedly, that advocates for
choice had vandalized churches.
- --Mark Ira Kaufman
Message-ID: >
she probably has to have her picture taken by satellite because no normal
camera can fit all that whale blubber into one picture.
- --Steve Chaney
Message-ID: >
Excessively fat women look ugly. It is impractical to try and have sex when
she's 100lbs overweight and the weight is all fat - but most women ain't
that big.
- --Steve Chaney
Message-ID: >
You of course do know what a lot of Asian women prefer, right? Besides,
after ****ing a cute asian chick, experience tells me it isn't all that
except that she looks good on your arm. In bed it ain't much at all. If the
lights go out, any guy whose hormones are more fixed on performance than
looks, is going to go to sleep right there and then.
- --Steve Chaney
Message-ID: >
Clarice and Allisson were well beyond a BMI of 25 in their pictures where
they were called cows.
- --Steve Chaney
Message-ID: >
If Dutton knocked on Steve's door and Steve shot him in the face, I would
really not care.
- --Crash Street Kidd about Steve Chaney
Message-ID: >
Stephen A Chaney admits to sodomizing his daughter if he forges me now.
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