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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Saturday's meal(s)

Dee.Dee said...

> What are you-ALL eating/cooking today?

What do you have for breakfast when there's no power, you have cheerios and
milk and banana.

For lunch I grilled a pack of chicken tenders only with paprika, then
weighed out four ounces and put that on two slices of toast with Benecol
(fake butter). Testing BG before (100 mg/dl) and after lunch 1 hour (123
mg/dl) and 2 hours after.

Dinner will be the same as lunch minus 1/2 piece of toast. It's a diabetes
blood glucose good vs bad guy test of foods.

SOS sure sounds better only your version isn't heart or diabetes friendly.
Enjoy, ya lucky BUM!!!
