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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Good brand of Kalamata olives, in U.S. grocery stores?

wrote on Sat, 8 Dec 2007 13:21:06 -0800

m> Also, do all the kalamata olives that you'd find any Greek
m> restaurant here in the states come from a jar? Or is there
m> some fresher source these restaurants get them from? I'm
m> assuming kalamata olives aren't or can't be grown in the
m> U.S. Maybe I'm wrong.

I'm sure they can be grown in the US. I've had decent ones from
Fresh Fields, Trader Joes and the local Food Cooperative. Mind
you, I've seen the Coop people filling their smaller containers
from large ones marked "Packed for Coops by ..(I forget)". My
one simple criterion is I want them pitted (strange ambiguous
term isn't it?) even if the texture is not as good as the ones
with pits.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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