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Thelma Roslyn Lubkin Thelma Roslyn Lubkin is offline
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Posts: 31
Default Good brand of Kalamata olives, in U.S. grocery stores?

: Can anyone recommend a good brand of Kalamata olives available in U.S.
: grocery stores (or mail order)?

: Also, do all the kalamata olives that you'd find any Greek restaurant
: here in the states come from a jar? Or is there some fresher source
: these restaurants get them from? I'm assuming kalamata olives aren't
: or can't be grown in the U.S. Maybe I'm wrong.

I think that Mario's still packs these. They used to have the
black and sometimes purple ovals that must have an official
name, but that I've always known as simply 'Greek olives'. I
haven't seen those in jars for years: they are my favorites. I
can buy bulk olives, Kalamata, Italian oil cured, large Spanish
green and more at several deli counters and supermarkets in
town [Whole Foods, certainly, but local places as well]

: Thanks very much.