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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Good brand of Kalamata olives, in U.S. grocery stores?

Dee.Dee wrote on Sat, 8 Dec 2007 17:17:34 -0500:

DD> "James Silverton" > wrote in
DD> message news:I8E6j.3197$rB1.2864@trnddc03...
DD> My
??>> one simple criterion is I want them pitted (strange
??>> ambiguous term isn't it?) even if the texture is not as
??>> good as the ones with pits.
??>> James Silverton
??>> Potomac, Maryland

DD> I haven't used it yet, but I bought an olive/cherry pitter.
DD> I've used all the tricks to get the pits out easily, but
DD> 'it's the pits.'

DD> I haven't made the recipe recently that calls for a bunch
DD> of them pitted that I bought this gadget for. I think the
DD> pitted ones hold their flavor. I buy a brand that is pretty
DD> good that has no pits "Trade Joe's Pitted."

My garlic press that I never actually use has an olive pitter in
the handle. It's not always successful in keeping the olive
together :-(

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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