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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Saturday's meal(s)

Don Kleist wrote:
> Dee.Dee wrote:
>> What are you-ALL eating/cooking today?
>> We had been discussing SOS sometime back. I made it late this a.m.
>> before noon, so thought I'd post the pics of what mine usually looks
>> like.
>> I most always add peas to mine, though. Leave out the peas for
>> authentic SOS, I guess.
>> Here is the brand I've always bought:
>> phew! nitrates - ugh! but only have it once in a while -- it still
>> counts, though.

>> Here's what it looks like all rolled up inside the jar. Take it
>> out, cut into whatever sized pieces you like. I put it in water to
>> soak, but never rinse it. Just dip it out of the water into the
>> skillet. It is not salty at all that way.
>> Home-made bread toasted (not quite the white bread that one usually
>> associates with SOS.)
>> I like toasted better than mushy untoasted white.
>> The final proof is in the eating. It was good.

>> Dee Dee

> This is my mom's version of SOS. It is quite good. I generally use
> fresh mushrooms sautéed in a bit of butter. For the beef I use the
> thin-sliced lunch meat that comes in 4 ounce pkgs.
> Curried Chipped Beef and Mushrooms

Hate to burst your bubble, Don, but creamed chipped beef isn't made from
lunch meat and it certainly isn't curried. Maybe the military is stepping
it up a notch these days? Ever been in the military? Didn't think so. Are
you a military dependent who was served this as a child? Maybe... but your
if your mother added curry powder and mushroooms she either didn't know how
to cook it or couldn't stand it. I never actually developed a taste for
it until I was in my 20's.
