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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Default Homemade "TV Dinners"

On 8 Dec 2007 18:15:44 GMT, "Default User" >

>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 19:18:39 -0500, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Default User" > wrote
>> >
>> >> Sometimes, with soup or baked pasta, I'll make considerably more.
>> >> Similarly for pot roast, pulled pork, that sort of thing.

>> > Do you freeze pulled pork?

>> It freezes well. And when you reheat it, you get to smell the smoky
>> aroma all over. Same with smoked ribs. YUM!

>Yeah. I pretty much have to freeze part of it unless it's for the
>family. A butt or picnic produces a lot of meat, and you sure don't
>want that nice stuff to get moldy in the refrigerator.

I usually so more than one, and do some ribs too. It takes the same
amount of wood. I can usually get enough wood free, but when I have
to buy it, it's 145 bucks a face cord so I try to conserve and use it
>Leftover pulled pork makes great taco filling! Heat it with some ground
>chile and cumin.

I know cheese isn't supposed to be used with Q, but I'll take a big
tortilla and add beans and onion, the pork, and some cheese for a
burrito kinda thingie. Yummy stuff.
