Thread: Storing honey
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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Storing honey

One way to store honey while protecting against ants is to keep it in
the refrigerator. If it crystallizes, take the lid off and melt it in
the microwave for a few minutes. If you just need a spoonful for tea,
don't worry about the crystallization. Just put a spoon in.

Another way is to place the jar of honey in a bowl of water or a larger
jar filled with water. Place this in the cupboard, and keep filling
with water as it evaporates. The ants can't get to the honey without

The method that you've probably tried is to clean the mouth of the jar
carefully and the lid of the jar carefully each time before you put the
jar in the cupboard. Then put a layer of plastic wrap between the lid
and the jar and squeeze shut. (The plastic makes it possible to unscrew
the lid.) In theory, this should work, but if you live in a place with
determined ants, it might not work. In my experience, ants are always

I go with the refrigerator method.
