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Dee.Dee Dee.Dee is offline
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Default Saturday's meal(s)

"kilikini" > wrote in message

>> The final proof is in the eating. It was good.
>> Dee Dee

> Your pix make it look palatable, but I could never stomach that stuff. My
> mom used to make it - WITH peas, by the way (oh, and those little, tiny
> pearl onions, too). I could never stand that beef!
> kili <------ still shuddering on the memory

I understand your feeling. There are things that I feel the same way about.
(see below)
Oh, my - if I had to put pearl onions in it, I'd upchuck them, too. We're
not so far apart :-))

That beef is really pathetic IMO, but it's just something that I have to
deal with. DH picks it up at the grocery, and it sits there until I can't
stand it anymore. Then comes one morning - what's for breakfast? Well,
"It's chipped beef."

He goes one further with the Spam -- it will sit there forever as far as I'm
If you've lived in Hawaii, I need say no more.

Take care of yourself,
Dee Dee