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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default The violin-playing robot continued

On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 08:53:25 -0800, sf wrote:

>On Sun, 9 Dec 2007 11:04:11 -0500, "Dee.Dee" >
>>If DH choses to do it and keep up with the paper chase, mailing, collecting
>>the money, that's his business. But obviously he just likes to talk about
>>it. There is nothing to indicate in that scenario that it is something I
>>want to do.

>I suggest using Craig's List, if you have a local one. Make pick up
>part of the deal. No mailing involved. It's a good place to just
>*give* things way too. No mailing or money exchange and you can off
>it easily.
>Remember how fast it goes is all in the marketing and photography
>(you're good with a camera, so that's no problem for you). Son sold
>some fabric I'd had in the basement forever by calling it "vintage"...
>and got rid of it in a matter of hours. I guess he used the term
>because some of those pieces were at least 20 years old. A quilter
>bought the fabric, so it went to a decent home and ended up the way it
>was intended. LOL

We've had horrible luck with Craigs list. We don't bother anymore.
