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Little Malice[_4_] Little Malice[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 749
Default The finished Beggars Chicken...

One time on Usenet, PeterLucas > said:
> If you haven't done a chook this way......... you hafta!!
> I'd forgotten how juicy and tender the flesh comes out like. I've decided
> we're having two of them for Christmas Day. That way I'll be able to get
> some of the parts *I* want, and not have to come back to the table and see
> a skeleton!!

DS & I enjoyed your photos, but we couldn't figure out why there was
paper between the biscuit crust and the chicken. Then we figured out
the story behind Beggar's Chicken and it made sense. :-)

> 5lt of Heiney, a 2kg chook, a multitude of baked potatos, a bucketload of
> steamed fresh veges......... and the stomachs on legs *still* wanted
> dessert!! (Which they knew was on the cards anyway!!)
> So the double chocolate (dark and milk) mousse was sacrificed.

Oh, yum!

> So now we open the reds that they brought :-)

That must mean something different in Australia than it does in the
U.S. -- wine, perhaps..?

Jani in WA