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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Sheldon or not, here's my question; this is why this NG is turning to shit!

On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 17:34:48 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>If I want moderation, I'll go to a moderated group. If I want a
>free-for-all, I'll enter a mud-wrestling contest.
>used to be more civilized * neither a free-for-all nor a moderated
>group. There was plenty of discussion that did not turn to vulgarity
>and name-calling. And more that never started out that way, either.
>There was plenty of give and take and it was about cooking. And the
>"savvy" folks posted their questions to the appropriate groups for such
>questions, where they would be ON topic instead of OFF.

You can see this to be true if you google back to the early to mid 90s
for rfc. I have done this, and it was no where like this in those
days. Some terrific posters posting then...

I remember a time, maybe in 95 or so, when Ninette Enrique posted
about her pregnancy. It prompted an outcry about being off topic.
This type of post (about her pregnancy) was out of the ordinary in
this group. I simply don't remember off topic posts then, and it is
proven out by googling the posts back then. Same for name calling,

So take a look back to the earlier days of rfc, those of you who think
that it has always been a free-for-all.... It can be rather
