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Cindi - HappyMamatoThree Cindi - HappyMamatoThree is offline
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Posts: 381
Default Recipe - Pumpkin Roll

"Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 8 Dec 2007 22:04:06 -0500, "Elisa" > wrote:
>>"Dora Crawford" > wrote in message
>>> The first time I had this it was baked by a close friend. I've always
>>> enjoyed it.
>>> * Exported from MasterCook *
>>> Pumpkin Roll

>>Is it hard to do the "roll up in a towel" thing? I've always been scared

I didn't see the question, but no the "roll up in a towel" thing isn't
difficult. Make sure you do it while the cake is still warm to hot. Shake
plenty of powdered sugar on the towel so that it doesn't stick. I make at
least four to six of these a holiday season and they disappear quickly. You
can use parchment paper instead of towels but it I don't get as good a

Take a try. It really isn't that difficult.


> If someone posted a response I missed it. Louise has tried a few
> recipes and the key is in how the batter is mixed. When she gets home
> later I'll see what book she got the best directions from. Her's come
> out beautifully. I'm not a pumpkin fan but love these rolls. I'll
> try to post more later.
> Lou