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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Sheldon or not, here's my question; this is why this NG is turning to shit!

Oh pshaw, on Mon 10 Dec 2007 09:38:44a, Melba's Jammin' meant to say...

> In article >,
> "Kent" > wrote:
>> From Felice:
>> "Maybe this is a question for a survey: Who opens links from unknown
>> posters? And why?
>> If you open such a link, you shouldn't complain if it's obscene. Just
>> as if you answer a phone call with an "unknown caller" ID, you
>> shouldn't complain if it's a telemarketer.

> Maybe, but the 'unknown caller' isn't necessarily a telemarketer. Phone
> numbers don't show up on caller identification units for a variety of
> reasons.
>> What the phuque is happening to this NG?
>> Kent

> Many of the people who were interested in good food and serious cooking
> have moved on. They got tired of the crap long ago when it wasn't
> nearly what it is now.
> Usenet has changed, and the way people relate to each other has changed.
> In my opinion, too many people have decided that r.f.c. will be their
> personal blog, their Yellow Pages, their confessional, their
> veterinarian, their soapbox, and their playground for bullies.
> Too many have latched on to the "we're like a big kitchen table where
> you sit around and argue about all kinds of stuff." My mom would have
> said, "Get the hell out of here and go outside and fight if you're going
> to be like that!" Mom ran a tight ship. She was The Moderator.
> does not have moderator.
> Too many think that r.f.c. regulars are their family and that you can
> say anything to family.
> Too many don't "get" that too much of the stuff lately simply does not
> belong here and instead say, "Well, if you don't like it, just killfile
> it or ignore it." That attitude, I believe, is tacit support of the
> 'anything goes' mentality that is so prevalent.
> It's difficult to resist the seductive temptations that appeal to the
> part of us that wants to "be helpful" in an OT thread (sure, sometimes I
> do open the OP) because it is so damned easy to get out ‹ you just stop
> replying to the thread. And it's easy to let your ugliness show
> because it really is pretty unlikely that someone is going to show up at
> your door and punch your lights out.
> Too many refuse to ask their questions in an appropriate group because
> they "know the people" here. There's a joke. If you "know" them so
> well, why don't you have their private email addresses (they're your
> "friends," remember?) and ask privately? Yeah, I DO ask my computer
> questions on the computer groups and the folks where I've asked have
> always been straightforward with their responses and the differences in
> opinions are put forth with civility not with venom and bluster.
> I understand thread drift, how the discussion can morph into something
> it was not, and I'll bet that's not what you're talking about, either.
> -Barb

Very well stated, Barb.

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Mon, 12/10/2007

Countdown 'til Christmas
2wks 18hrs 15mins 55secs
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could have invented a universal
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