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Karen AKA Kajikit Karen AKA Kajikit is offline
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Posts: 707
Default Pot Pie Experiement take 1...

On Sun, 9 Dec 2007 12:50:03 -0800 (PST), Jen >

>Crust: I made the recipe per the box, for drop biscuits, which was my
>first mistake, as it was too soft. Pressed it into an 8x8 glass cake
>pan to see what would happen and it got all puffy. So, I decided to
>let it bake, and then I transferred it to a big deep dish bowl, where
>I did my best to smash it into the sides and bottom.
>Once the crust was ready (it wasn't pretty but it looked like it might
>work) I added the evaporated milk, brought the stew back to a boil and
>slowly added the flour-water to thicken. It tunred out to be a HUGE
>amount of stew, so I only used about half of it in this small pan. The
>rest I set aside for my second try. Once it was a good consistancy, I
>poured it on the crust and dropped some more of the biscuit dough on
>top, then put it in the oven for about 15 minutes.
>The result was delicious, if not pretty. Since I had some left over
>biscuit dough, I added more mix to firm it up, then pressed it into a
>smaller baking dish. This time, I think I'll get the desired effect.
>I'm so proud that it's all natural, all fresh, since most of the veg
>and the fresh herbs came from the Farmer's Market. I'm sorry I
>couldn't have been more precise with my measurements for the groups'
>sake! Oh, and the Better than Boullion-great stuff! And no MSG! I'm
>glad I decided to give it a try.
>Anybody have any tips? It was fun, but is the definition of trial and
>error. I'm only glad that I didn't try to put the stew on the unbaked

Next time don't try to make a bottom crust... just put the pot pie
into a casserole dish and drop the soft biscuit mix on top - it'll be
delicious and a little more healthy...