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Dee.Dee Dee.Dee is offline
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Default Something spurs you on to clean out the freezer

"MaryL" -OUT-THE-LITTER> wrote in message
. ..
> "Dee.Dee" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Do you have a maxium period of time that you give yourself to get
>> 'anything' out of the freezer?
>> I'm tired of , rummaging thru little tiddlies of ziplocks, tiny plastic
>> containersa pepper here, a rind of cheese, there, a 1/2 cup of frozen
>> cherries, a quarter cup of l/o pesto.
>> I had dated most of these little thingies, but anything over a year
>> old -- it all went out today -- and that was everything! It was
>> actually all dates. I was thinking frugally and saying, "I'll keep
>> his - " but in the end I won the battle.
>> Whoever posted "What is in your refrigerator" got me going. Thanks. Also
>> I'm going to try to stick to one ethnic cuisine for a while (I hope.)
>> Dee Dee

> I have an absolutely spotless refrigerator right now, with everything
> perfectly organized -- the neatest it has looked in years.
> What was my motivation? I opened the door a couple of weeks ago, realized
> that the milk felt warm, checked the temperature -- and discovered that it
> was 72 degrees *inside* the refrig. It turned out to be a fan motor that
> had "gone bad." I threw away everything (even food in bottles) and had to
> start all over again with supplies. I also had to live out of a couple of
> coolers for awhile until it had been repaired. :{
> MaryL

I think the only thing that could make my refrigerator "ever" spotless would
be a new refrigerator. My large refrigerator just had a fan replaced (DH
replaced it), I guess he replaced the whole motor, but it had been giving us
notice that something that was wrong and he was able to order it in advance,
so our downtime was minimal.

I love starting out with all new supplies, too. It's amazing what has been
in there sooo long.
Dee Dee