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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default Sheldon or not, here's my question; this is why this NG is turning to shit!

On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 17:34:48 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>In article >,
> "cybercat" > wrote:
>> If you want moderation, go to a moderated group. If you want a
>> free-for-all, Usenet is for you.

>If I want moderation, I'll go to a moderated group. If I want a
>free-for-all, I'll enter a mud-wrestling contest.
>used to be more civilized * neither a free-for-all nor a moderated
>group. There was plenty of discussion that did not turn to vulgarity
>and name-calling. And more that never started out that way, either.
>There was plenty of give and take and it was about cooking. And the
>"savvy" folks posted their questions to the appropriate groups for such
>questions, where they would be ON topic instead of OFF.
>Kent asked why the group has gone to shit. I gave him my opinion and my
>reasons. Would I like it to be my way? Sure ‹ I'm a benevolent
>dictator. <grin>

i would submit to your kindly lash, assuming you wouldn't boot me
outta here.

your pal,