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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Credit Card Skimming in Local Restaurant

Kathleen > wrote:

>Last January I traveled to Spain and Morocco. Before I left I made sure
>to call my credit company and give them a heads up so i wouldn't find
>myself stuck because Mastercard had put a security freeze on my card
>because of suspicious transactions. The girl I spoke to wanted to know
>the specific nature of the transactions I anticipated and I told her I
>couldn't possibly know that at this point, but if they occurred between
>thus and such dates it was probably me and I would review my account
>online as soon as I got home.

I always call the card companies before traveling to Europe,
but last time they put a freeze on I had simply travelled to

As if their computers shouldn't be able to tell them I
constantly travel around North America and this is normal.
