Canisters for flour?
Dick Adams wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> I have survived too from doing many things that I would not think of
>> doing
> today. As a chemist, I still warn you from ingesting carbon tetrachloride
> (tetrachloromethane). It was once used as a fire extinguisher, but it was
> found that the danger of phosgene was too great for that use and for using
> it as a dry
> cleaning agent. It has been banned from consumer products in the Us
> since
> about 1970. We learn as time passes on, or else we pass on. <
> How does the chemist feel about benzoyl peroxide and chlorine dioxide,
> those substances used to bleach flour, and potassium bromate, which
> bleaches as well as strengthens gluten, and unlike the first two, remains
> in the flour until after it is sold (but probably not after it is baked)?
> Does he think that a few drops of carbon tetrachloride used to fumigate a
> sealed bucket of whole grain remains, to any extent at all, after the
> grain
> is milled and baked? Does he believe that carbon tetrachloride combines
> chemically with the grain?
> Does he believe that the fumigants used by an exterminator will injure or
> kill
> the (human) occupants when they return? Do I dare spray my apple trees
> with,
> for instance, malathione? Do I dare drink water that has been treated
> with
> chlorine? How about the chlorine in my salt shaker, and the hazard of
> water poisoning when canoeing, or water-boarding?
> Is a person educated as a chemist smart enough to take his email client
> out of rich-text mode?
> --
> Dicky
> Carbon dioxide is also good for fumigating grain. It works by being
> heavier than
> air and asphyxiating any air-breathing thing that is immersed in it. I
> asked for some solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) at the pharmacy counter of
> my Walgreens
> and was referred to the chief pharmacist. (They get frozen stuff packed
> with
> dry ice several time a week). I explained to him that I wanted to put a
> chip of it in a ten-gallon bucket of grain and let it vaporize to drove
> the air out through
> a small hole in the lid, and suffocate any bugs, larvae, eggs, etc. He
> refused it
> to me. Apparently he feels it is too dangerous for non-professional use.
> Well, heck, I still have a half full bottle of Carbona.
> .
Thanks Mr Adams
You said it better then I could. People like Ford are danger to us also.
And too many of then work for the goverment.
Joe Umstead