Thread: egg prices
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AxisOfBeagles[_2_] AxisOfBeagles[_2_] is offline
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Default egg prices

As an ex-Kiwi, now living in California, I can attest to the
differences in some costs. But I'll also attest to the fact that
produce in NZ is of a generally higher quality - with a far greater
consumer awareness of quality foods, such as free-range chickens and
eggs. Furthermore, the USDA has absolutely no standards for the
labeling of eggs as 'free-range' (despite overwhelming research showing
improved nutritional values) and so many eggs that are actually battery
hen eggs are labeled as 'free-range' when in fact they are not. It is
up to the consumer to research their food source if they in fact care
to select true free-range hen eggs.

BTW - that $6NZ equates to about $4.50US. True quality free-range eggs
here in Nor Cal are well over $3, sometimes over $4 - the real price
differential between here and NZ is therefore not much.

On 2007-12-11 20:33:52 -0800, Miche > said:
> Not necessarily. Different production costs, smaller market (NZ has
> four million people in the whole entire country), etc etc.
> Battery-farm eggs cost less (I'll check how much the next time I'm in le
> supermarchet) but I refuse to buy 'em.
> Miche