"Boron Elgar" > wrote in message
> In case anyone was still wondering if gastric bypass increases overall
> mortality, there is a new study mentioned below.
> Impressive numbers, but with an interesting twist.
> Boron
> http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/565374?src=mp
> Adams TD, Gress RE, Smith SC, et al
> N Engl J Med. 2007; 357: 753-61
> Summary
> The authors studied long-term mortality in 2 groups (7925 each) of
> severely obese persons (body mass index, 44.9): gastric bypass
> patients versus a control group of severely obese persons applying for
> drivers' licenses. The endpoint was mortality over a mean period of
> 7.1 years. Death rates were 37.7/10,000 person-years in the surgical
> group compared with 57.1/10,000 person-years in the control group, a
> reduction of 40% (P < .001). Death rates in the surgical group were
> lower for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer but were higher for
> accidental deaths and suicide.
That was an interesting read. But I can only hope that my GB didn't end up
making me more clumsy I was bad enough already without that help. The
suicide right? I have no idea on that one. Homicide I might believe since
those first months when it feels like you are swallowing glass as your
esophagous and stomach heal killing someone sitting in front of you eating a
hamburger fries and a Coke without a problem might be a temptation.
Thanks for the read.