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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default soapstone countertops?

"Dee.Dee" wrote:
> Someone may benefit from these figures on different choices. �Last fall I
> had approx. 52 sf countertops replaced. �These price comparisons were done
> by one company, and each comparison is of my choice of granite, zodiak,
> Corian, Solaris and Cambria, not what someone else would choose in those
> different products. � I was not under any price restrictions, DH said to
> chose what I wanted.
> I just looked at my order to make sure I am posting correctly.
> My choice of granite was within the $3600 to $5400 range.

Is that all 52 sq ft of granite costs... what are folks getting so all
worked up and uppity about.. that's peanuts for that much new counter
top. I never seriously priced granite but with the way people are
carrying on I'm thinking it must cost like 15-20 thousand dollars for
granite counters... 3-5 grand for counters that will last an entire
lifetime is chicken feed... I spent that much on my PC... people
spend more on a mediocre TV system that will be obsolete in five