Martha's favorite Latke recipe, Andrea Bocelli, & French treattonight
"Dee.Dee" wrote:
> "Arri London" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> >
> > "Dee.Dee" wrote:
> >>
> >> Tonight's show of Martha Stewart says:
> >>
> >> Andrea Bocelli performs, chef Christopher Harkness prepares a French
> >> treat;
> >> Martha's favorite recipe for latkes; a tour of Russ & Daughters.
> >>
> >> It's on the Living channel EST 8pm.
> >>
> >> Dee Dee
> >
> > LOL that was on Fox yesterday morning! Didn't like Martha's latkes at
> > all LOL. Russ & Daughters is the sort of shop that would bankrupt me if
> > one were in the neighbourhood.
> I've never seen so many versions (on her site) of latkes. I guess if you
> don't like one of them, try another. I saw the long thread about latkes. I
> guess it is something one could discuss forever. My feeling about them all:
> what's to dislike? Potatoes, grease, etc. Good stuff.
LOL and the holiday passed without us making a single latke!!
Disgraceful! I like them midway in texture between Martha's 'rough cut'
latkes and the smoother potato cakes.
> Most of all my impression of the program: I couldn't get over how long
> Andrea's feet are. I was wondering if they are intentionally long to let
> him know if he starts tipping to the front when he is singing. Just
> couldn't get it out of my mind when he was singing.
LOL never noticed his feet at all.
> Also he looked pretty puny to me, and there Martha is with her husky
> voice -- is it a permanent cold she has, I wonder?
> I hope he is not ill -- But he sounds pretty good.
> Dee Dee
He sounded good but it wasn't the best performance I've ever heard from
him. Martha is getting over laryngitis; it can take a week or two to
recover full voice.