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The Cook The Cook is offline
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Default freezing jelly candies

On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 14:49:13 +1000, "Linda" > wrote:

>I was planning on making some fruit jelly candies for Christmas but was at
>the fruit markets today and bought some blackberries, strawberries etc
>quite cheap, but they're not going to last long.
>The recipe I've got reckons that once they are made the candies will last
>for a week - which won't quite get me to Christmas.
>So what do people think - if I make them now and freeze them will they be ok
>when they are thawed out?
>I know an alternative is to freeze the fruit and make them later, but I'd
>rather make them now if I can.

Prep and freeze the fruits. Make the candies whenever you can. That's
what a number of us do when making jelly.
Susan N.

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Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)