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Virginia Tadrzynski Virginia Tadrzynski is offline
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Default When a baby meets a bug ...

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
> "limey" > wrote
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> The baby would be me. I guess I'm getting a lot better but I'm
>>> still a little wigged out by bugs.
>>> So, after a nice little appetizer lunch at a chain restaurant
>>> yesterday, I bet everyone in the restaurant is happy I
>>> didn't scream and run out the door when a roach came
>>> crawling along the wall in my booth.
>>> nancy, still scratching

>> OMG. I share your feelings, especially about roaches. I flip out at
>> the things. We had dinner at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis *once*,
>> and once was enough, and there were roaches crawling up the wall.

> Oh, yuck.
>> I commented to the server - his answer?? "Yeah, we know." "Go Navy!".

> We know? Then fix it! You're Navy, you're supposed to fix things!
> I didn't say anything, don't know if I should have. Since my pocketbook
> and coat were on the seat by the wall, I emptied them outside to make
> sure there weren't any hitchhikers. Blech.
> nancy

I'm bitchy enough to have squashed it with a napkin and hand it to the
cashier and ask if the 'character that shared my lunch' was picking up the
(who has done this before and made the cashier barf - management comp'd my