Thread: egg prices
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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Default egg prices

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"kilikini" > wrote:

> Janet Wilder wrote:
> >
> > We just came back from a visit to Australia and New Zealand and
> > enjoyed the eggs with the very, very yellow yolks. Quite different
> > from what we get here in Texas.

> We've been fortunate enough to get a dozen of free-range chicken eggs weekly
> for FREE from my mother-in-law, lately.


> Her neighbor started off with a
> couple of chickens to help control the bug population on his 5 acre lot and
> now he's got about 25 chickens and has eggs coming out the whazoo!

Er, so to speak.

> He's
> tried making souffles, baked goods, crepes, anything to try to use up all of
> the eggs (and they're the funny colored brown, blue, green, pink & white
> eggs) and he can't do it! So he's been giving, literally, dozens of eggs to
> my MIL. She can't eat them all, either, so she gives us a dozen a week. My
> husband can easily go through 2 dozen eggs a week, though, so we're still
> buying from the store.
> The store eggs have much weaker shells, a weaker membrane, lighter yolks and
> thinner whites than the ones we get from my MIL. The free range eggs, OTOH,
> don't have uniform shapes (some are really small!) and I've found that they
> don't hold together very well when making an omelette - they break apart
> during the flip. So, I use free-range for fried eggs and store-bought for
> omelettes.

The free-range eggs are much fresher than the store-bought ones, which
can be weeks old. I wonder if that's what's making the difference with
your omelettes. Try holding some free-range ones aside for a couple of
weeks and then making an omelette with them.

I've also noticed that free-range eggs have better shells and tougher
membranes than supermarket eggs. They don't crack when boiled.


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