Thread: Storing honey
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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Storing honey

Adam wrote on Sun, 9 Dec 2007 21:59:27 +0000:

??>> I don't use honey all that often but I find that a plastic
??>> squeeze bottle with a nozzle and a push-on cap keeps it
??>> quite well on the condiment tray (fancy word for a large
??>> plate on the breakfast table!) If the bottle gets at all
??>> sticky, it can be quickly rinsed down without removing the
??>> contents.

??>> Potomac, Maryland

AF> Head down the Blue Ridge Parkway and you can get honey in
AF> bear-shaped squeeze-bottles.

AF> Unfortunately, they're not dishwasher-safe and they aren't
AF> durable enough to be refilled too many times. But they are
AF> cute.

The local food nut coop charges 25 cents for bear bottles if you
don't bring your own and buy honey from bulk but capped plastic
squeeze bottles, as from the Container Store, work much more
cleanly, seem to be dishwasher safe and don't cost a lot.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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