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tert in seattle tert in seattle is offline
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Default Test - how do you make hummus

>"tert in seattle" > wrote in message
>>>"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
>>>> Steve Pope wrote:
>>>>> Yep, it appeared.
>>>> Thanks. I'm fine with being ignored. I'd be upset if I weren't showing
>>>> up in the first place, and I've been having other troubles with my
>>>> system
>>>> so that was a possibility.
>>>> --Lia
>>>Ignored? Did you expect applause after you posted it?
>>>So far, it seems everyone else saw the OP's message for what it was: An
>>>attempt to get others to lift a finger when he/she/it was too lazy to do

>> you are a dumbass

>Prove it. You can do this by posting your question again, and giving SOME
>indication that you don't expect others to do things for you while you sit
>around picking your nose. You did absolutely NO research into this recipe
>you wanted. None. You know that.

Prove it.