Masa for Tamales
Nixtamal without the tequeskite will never be as good as with that magical
salt/soda rock from the Texcoco dry lake bed. I think you can order by
Forty five dozen!!! You are a sucker for punishment!
"chilichick" > wrote in message
> We tested a batch of Chicken Chili Verde Tamales this weekend and
> didn't like the masa we made. We usually buy it from the Mexicatessan
> but thought we would try to make our own. Didn't work out I think/
> felt it had too much lard in it. We followed the recipe... last year
> we made 45 dozen. Hopefully more this year. We will make pork,
> cheese and jalapeno and some sweet.
> Tried to price it out, but for $1.05 lb it's cheaper to buy the masa
> than to make it.
> chilichick