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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 20:27:35 -0800, koko wrote:

>The only thing I think I'm buying this weekend is some yeast and a
>prime rib roast to put in the freezer for when I go to visit my
>daughter and family for Christmas.
>I'm pretty well stocked for this week. I do want to make a pizza
>though after reading the pizza thread and I already have the toppings
>for it.
>Oh! and I'm also going to buy some frozen puree of winter squash for a
>mac and cheese recipe I saw on the cooking show Healthy Appetite on
>food t. v.
>I hope I can stay with just these few items.

One of the things I should have emphasized is that my shopping and
cooking isn't done in a vacuum.... I have a lot of staples, spices,
and stuff in the freezer/fridge. I have some stuff I bought last
week..which has lasted. It sometimes carries over from week to
week... Maybe I get something one week, and I don't get around to
using I have it already and want to make something from that
thing. I get something else from the market, to round out whatever I
want to fix....
I think many of us cook like this...but many folks don't utilize
leftovers and cook from scratch every night. I tend to do
that...utilize leftovers, etc.
