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Posted to soc.culture.british,, misc.consumers,
Bobo Bonobo(R) Bobo Bonobo(R) is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 175
Default "Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!

On Dec 14, 11:07 pm, sf wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 16:22:57 -0600, (Ubiquitous)
> wrote:
> >STILL bitter about AlGore being unable to steal the election?

> >The real reason Bush won't get impeached is simple: There is no reason
> >to.

> GWB hasn't been impeached because Democrats haven't had the majority
> vote it takes for impeachment. End of story.

There's also his impeachment insurance, Dick Cheney.
> Additionally, the Democrats have not been a united front the way 12
> step Republican sheep were for the last 12+ years. It's ironic the
> way those numbers lined up.
> "The current account trade deficit: In the last 25 years America has
> gone from the world's largest creditor nation to the world's largest
> debtor nation."

The secion of Foundation that deals with Korell (The Merchant Princes)
should be instructive:
> Guess who was president back then...
