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Ms P Ms P is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> I am certain that there are folks that can't even begin to use what I
> have budgeted, for their needs. This is a "sane" amount for me and
> enables me to have an occasional treat.
> However, I do live in an area that has some stores where I can get
> some decent bargains. I could do even better if I were living back in
> the San Francisco bay area.
> All those threads about grocery prices, being broke, not being able to
> feed oneself on an amount such as what I have set for myself,
> etc..prompted me to start this... I have actually been doing this for
> a bit now, but the idea of actually posting what I have bought,plus
> the sales flyers for the week, is a new idea.
> When I go to the market, I look around at what is available. I also
> have scanned the sales flyers before I have an idea of
> things that might be worth buying. I have a wealth of cookbooks, so
> if I find something that looks appealing, I can usually find some
> recipe in which to use such ingredient.
> You folks are welcome to jump in if you see something that I have
> gotten and have a suggestion for it.
> If I go on assignment to another area, such as the sfba, then it might
> be a whole new ballgame, with a new twist. Then, I will not have my
> freezer contents to draw on, and I will in some ways be starting from
> scratch. I usually do take some basic ingredients with me, like
> spices, a few condiments I that I use frequently, plus some other
> essential ingredients. But I think I can still do this.
> Christine

I don't think 40 bucks a week for one person is all that austere. I've been
kind of keeping track since this subject came up and most of the time I
don't spend 80 bucks a week for the two of us. We eat plenty of fruits and
veggies and have plenty of meat.

I found bone in rib steaks in the used meat bin yesterday so I got four of
them. The cheapest was 5.25 and the most expensive was 5.87. They'll make
two fairly quick dinners for us. I also got chicken leg quarters on sale.
One package of four leg quarters will feed us 2 to 3 meals depending on what
I decide to do with it.

I also bought canned tomatoes and beans and a few other groceries and only
spent 75 bucks. Some of it will carry over to the next couple of weeks.

Ms P