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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:42:38 GMT, blake murphy >

>is that the peeled garlic in what looks like a sealed plastic bag?
>how well does it keep, and how do you store it after opening the bag?
>your pal,

Yes, that is the peeled garlic. I got hooked on getting it after
buying it one day in an Asian market. I tend to use a lot of garlic,
and I get really bored with peeling garlic... This bag of garlic
cost me about $1.50.

It keeps pretty well. I transfer it to a ziplock bag and store it in
the fridge. I am thinking that I might like to use one of those
Handivacs on it though..when I get one.
