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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:44:12 +0900, "cshenk" > wrote:

>"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
.. .
>> > Your $40 a week translates to $320 a month for two of us. Frankly, I
>> > rarely

>> spend that much and we eat well. We not only eat leftovers, we plan on
>> having them for another dinner or for lunches.

>In my case, it would be hard to spend 40$ a week each. My cookery habits
>just don't lead that direction.

One of my purposes is to find out how much I actually do spend. Or how
I can spend less. I probably don't even begin to need to spend that
much, but I am trying to find out. So, this is a challenge to

And a challenge to myself to see if I can actually eat a well balanced
diet, and not have a starchy diet based on just rice and beans and
other low cost starchy stuff. I think I can do it..but it may not fit
with the preconceived notions of other folks that spend a ton of money
on groceries.
