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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:44:12 +0900, "cshenk" > wrote:

>"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
.. .
>> > Your $40 a week translates to $320 a month for two of us. Frankly, I
>> > rarely

>> spend that much and we eat well. We not only eat leftovers, we plan on
>> having them for another dinner or for lunches.

>In my case, it would be hard to spend 40$ a week each. My cookery habits
>just don't lead that direction.

One of the things I am finding, at least for the way I cook and eat,
that $40/week buys me almost too much food. If I spend it on high
priced "treats", then it doesn't go far at all.

I am figuring on spending the majority of that on things like veggies
and fruits. What I bought yesterday, plus the stuff I already have in
the fridge is probably too much even for me. I still have some
broccoli in the fridge, which will probably go into a pasta dish. I
was just looking in the fridge, and I decided that while I will
probably go ahead and make the gumbo tomorrow night, I do need to use
up the broccoli and cauliflower I have in there.

The cauliflower I might roast. I love roasted cauliflower, although
it cooks down to almost nothing by the time it is done. A head of
cauliflower, gives me about 2 portions of roasted cauliflower.

The pasta dish I am thinking of is from Deborah Madison's The Savory
Way. It has pasta (probably spaghetti), nicoise olives, tomatoes (the
plum tomatoes I bought yesterday), broccoli, and Parmesan cheese. And
olive oil, which I already have. I have the Parmesan too. Oh, and

Another carryover that I need to use soon is a sugar pie pumpkin. I
have seen a recipe in one of the little cookbooks I have from
Williams-Sonoma. It is pumpkin (sliced and fried), layered with a
sauce of canned tomatoes and rosemary, then baked. The picture looks
wonderful..I haven't tried the recipe yet, but I have been planning on
doing so for some time.
