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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 18:39:57 +0900, "cshenk" > wrote:

>>Got a list of sorts of what you have handy? I can post back ideas on what

>to make of it. My staples may not match yours (probably wont) but you do
>the Asian shopping thing too so we might work some matches in there.

Well...I am not as big on Asian food as you are...I think my tastes
run more to the Mediterranean style foods.

But sure..give me any suggestions..

I do have a cabbage in the fridge, but I think it is going to a
Moravian slaw that I saw made on FoodTV a few years back, by Sara
Moulton. I am thinking of taking that to the Christmas potluck at is a nice festive side dish. I have made it before and it is
very good. I have all the ingredients for it already.

I do have an extensive cookbook library (somewhere in the range of
1000,give or take a hundred or so) so I can usually find good recipes
for whatever I have. Those cookbooks cover a wide range of cuisines,
from French, Italian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Malaysian, Spanish,
American, vegetarian, to I don't know what else...LOL. I have books
on baking, desserts, etc as if I am craving something for a
dessert or something sweet, I can usually find something in those
books to cover that desire.
