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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:34:36 -0000, "Ophelia" > wrote:

>>>> Why don't you take the time you're spending with this silly
>>>> self-challenge you're undertaking and work a few more hours per
>>>> month and buy what you really like? According to what you've
>>>> posted over the years you sure do like your "treats"
>>> Not everyone *can* just work more hours to make more money, Lou.

>> She's a specialized nurse. Around here at least they have so much
>> work they turn down overtime. One of my friends is a surgical nurse
>> and makes over 40 bucks an hour. One Saturday per month could double
>> a $40 a month food budget.

>So far as I can see, Christine makes it a sort of challenge. She doesn't
>say she can't afford more
>Anyway, I like my time at home too much to look for overtime

Exactly, Ophelia.
This challenge is a game to me...and yes, I am saving money for
specific things. I can afford more, but if I want to save money I will
cut back. And no, it is not really a silly challenge, at least to me.
Maybe to others of you, but not to me. And I am not sure which treats
you are speaking is very rare that I spend money on special
treats, other than to get the ingredients to make them myself.

ANd as it is, I work 12 hour shifts..and some of those shifts are
brutal. Sometimes, it is all I can do to work the ones I have
scheduled. I come home exhausted many days... There is a reason
many nurses burn out early and often...
