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Ms P Ms P is offline
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Posts: 753
Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> Oh pshaw, on Sun 16 Dec 2007 07:56:01a, Ms P meant to say...

>> To get any choice other than the two I already have I'd have to drive
>> 100 miles west to a much smaller town that has a Safeway. Going east I
>> think it would probably have to be around 200 miles to find a store
>> other than the two choices I already have.
>> Ms P

> You must live in the middle of nowhere!
> --
> Wayne Boatwright

LOL, no. I live on the edge of the middle of nowhere. The actual middle is
100 miles to the west of here. From there it's 100 miles to anything east
or west. My mom lives over there. She comes over here about every other
month and stocks up on staples she can't get at home.

Honestly out here 100 miles just doesn't seem all that far. Shoot, I've got
to drive at least twice that far in either direction before I feel like I've
left home.

Ms P