On Dec 15, 3:42�pm, Goomba38 > wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> >>> The pictures of what I bought:
> >>>http://i6.tinypic.com/8bdzuw0.jpg
> >> is that the peeled garlic in what looks like a sealed plastic bag?
> >> how well does it keep, and how do you store it after opening the bag?
> > I've never bought fresh garlic any other way except full head...
> > what's so difficult to peel garlic. �That romain looks rotted...
> > parsley, carrots and cuke looks like they've seen better days too.
> Well, the lettuce looks a little sad but the rest looked fine to me
Look closer... perhaps I'm used to my picture perfect home grown,
lettuce, parsley and cukes but I don't grow carrots, I buy them but
the carrots I buy look a lot better than those, and I pay $2.99/5lb
My stash of carrots right now, I'm running low: