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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 15:39:36 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>> Keep the chickens and goats. Glad you got another store. I'd be sad
>> to just have two.
>> Lou

>For a few years we lived in an area where the closest store was 23 miles
>away, and it was the only store. The next closest was 40 miles away. That
>really sucked big time, since we had been used to any number of stores
>where we lived previously.

Culture shock!

>Now we live in an area where there are stores
>of 4 major chains as well as a Wal-Mart all within a 3 mile radius. The
>only places I have to drive slightly farther for are TJ's, Sprouts, and
>Whole Foods.

Sounds cool except for the WM <eg>

>As far as what we spend, we are on a fairly tight budget, so we buy what we
>can when we can for as little as we can. It can vary radically from week
>to week. We put things in the freezer when there are the best prices. I
>always make large batches of spaghetti sauce, chili, soups, etc., and
>freeze them in dinner sized portions. We certainly don't go hungry, but I
>can't say that we always have what we want to eat at any given time.

LOL....If I ate what I wanted, three meals a day I'd weigh 300 pounds.
There is a middle ground. I shop wisely, eat fairly healthy, eat a
good variety, and I'm content with my diet. I could probably even
achieve all that on $40 a week per person, but I'd spend most of my
time in the kitchen. I'd rather spend a few extra hours working and
stop and pick up some steaks on the way home. But that's just me.

Last spring we were maintaining three homes and had 3 kids in school.
Believe me, things were tight. We ate well, but not what we craved.
The financial stress is better now and the last thing I'd do is play a
game to see how cheaply we can eat.
