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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Sheldon" wrote

> I pay $1.99/lb for center cut loin chops or a center cut bone-
> in loin roast and may slice it into chops, same difference...
> sometimes boneless center cut loin is $1.99/lb too. But when you buy
> the entire loin there's a tremendous amount of waste, bone and fat...
> so at $1.89/lb (a dime a pound less) there's is no savings, in fact

Actually it depnds on the cookery style but normally there's more than a
10cent difference between bone in and boneless.
I do frequent crockpots of beans and things that are enhanced by roasted
bones. Hence, I have a use for that bone.

>I think it's silly to keep all those dollars worth of food in a
>home freezer, not only is your cash tied up interest free but it costs
>at least a buck a day to power that freezer plus amortizing the cost

I will disagree here. An extra freezer is normally a money saver as you can
stock up on
'loss leader' sales items. Also, they do not cost 1$ a day to run. My
current one runs about 40$ a year or about 11cents a day.
That was Japan electric costs. I havent been here long enough to have
worked out the difference but I expect it to be less, though
not as radically less as you might think. It wasnt plugged in until roughly
1 DEC so I can match the OCT/NOV bills (all else being just about the same)
tot he DEC one when it shows up for a reasonable difference value.